Sunday 28 November 2010

Weekend Gone

I understand that there is absolutely no one in the world who actually truly cares how my  long Turkey weekend was. Especially the people that will ask me tomorrow about my weekend; as a matter of fact I am convinced they care the least. However, I am going to write about it anyway. It was a bad weekend. I wrote nothing other this this pitiful bit about my bad weekend. I was sick most of the time, got in a fight with my mother (standard for a holiday weekend I must say so it that disaster was already "penciled in"), and wasted lots of time that could have been spent more productively. I was particularly upset that because I did not have much of a voice due to being sick my performance during the said fight was not as dramatic and spectacular as it could have. Oh well.
I am curious though what would have I done if I was any wiser and more self-disciplined? Hm, the "perfect-me-wanna-be" would have definitely written a draft for a short story, I have an amazing idea and wrote out bits of those ideas on napkins at restaurants while waiting for my food. What else? Gym, absolutely. I am going for sure starting next week. Organize my shoes. Email back to my friends. Read something. Sleep more. Eat less.
But, the weekend was what it was and at the end of the day on this Sunday I am grateful. The turkey was good, my daughter is healthy, my boyfriend is sweet, my my mom and I am still writing after all for that I am thankful. Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel any better, someone (Dwayne) didn't bother to look at how long it takes to actually cook a turkey until 3:30 in the afternoon when we had guests coming at 5. The turkey takes 4.5 hours. Guess who had dinner at 8. We had one guest from India that refused to eat turkey and tried to coerce the others to screw it and order chinese takeout. Good times!
